What are Feng Shui Crystals and Feng Shui Bracelets? How to Use them?

“Feng Shui” is a Chinese word, which means “wind-water” in English. Feng Shui crystals have been used for over 4,000 years. Many believe Feng Shui crystals and Feng Shui bracelets have the ability to attract and promote protection, fortune, love, and health.
I’m not a religious person, but I do consider myself to be spiritual. I’m not one to shy away from ancient wisdom. Over the years I’ve slowly accumulated a collection of crystals with healing properties. When I’m getting ready for the day, I like to match the crystal on my feng shui bracelet to my intention for the day.
There’s a lot to know about feng shui bracelets. It can get complicated and confusing fast. To give you a quick crash-course without getting too in the weeds, in this article I’ll go over the 12 most powerful feng shui bracelets and how to use them to promote balance, health, wealth, protection, and love in your life.

The best feng shui crystal: Amethyst
Besides being beautiful, amethyst is a well-loved companion for those suffering from ailments, whether they’re physical or spiritual. Its dual purposes and constant relaxing energy make it the ideal companion for those navigating multiple trials at a time – whether they’re trials of the body or the mind.
Amethyst is an extremely well-rounded, multipurpose crystal. It’s an excellent multitasker for those on a physical, as well as a spiritual, journey. It can be the solution to almost your every problems.
Placement: everywhere in the house
Best feng shui crystal for protection/wealth: obsidian
Feng Shui crystal Obsidian forms inside active volcanos, from molten lava. Thanks to its origin and its shine, it’s sometimes known as “volcanic glass.” It’s a favorite for those practicing inner feng shui or meditation. It provides a layer of protection from negative energy and clears negative thoughts from the wearer’s mind. The sleek black color is also very grounding. I wear it in times of heightened stress or anxiety.
Obsidian Feng Shui Bracelets are also called feng shui black obsidian wealth bracelets, it is considered to bring luck and attract wealth. Feng Shui black obsidian bracelets have been popular with the Chinese since ancient times. By using the obsidian feng shui crystals, it helps people to achieve their financial goals.
Some Obsidian Feng Shui black bracelets are crafted in the shape of Pixui, which is one of the auspicious animals of traditional Eastern culture. The Pixiu bracelets are traditional talismans that help people attract wealth and promote luck. Pixiu bracelets are often used by business people, and they wear Pixiu black obsidian bracelets to increase wealth and prevent abundance from leaving.
Placement: Front door/ abundance area / home corner
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Best Feng Shui crystal for strengthen spirit: TIger eye

Feng Shui crystal Tiger’s eye is said to evoke the essence of a tiger by supporting clear sight – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It promots courage and confidence. Its bold color looks great on most people. I wear a tiger eye feng shui bracelet when I’m faced with a hard decision and want to see the situation clearly. It’s associated with the element of earth.
Placement: Front door/ abundance area/ home corner
Best feng shui crystal for Spiritual connection: Lapis Lazuli
Feng Shui crystal Lapis lazuli is a striking stone associated with the element of water. It’s excellent for attracting wealth or amplifying luck – especially in intellectual or romantic settings. Also, it is well-known for it's properties on aiding the connection with higher spirit. Thanks to its association with romance and its deep blue color, it’s a great feng shui bracelet to wear on a first date.
Placement: Bed, meditation place
Best feng shui crystal for introspect: Sodalite

Feng Shui crystal Sodalite is mainly associated with self-reflection and the wisdom that stems from introspection. Worn with a wealthy mindset, it can help you make savvy financial decisions – which is why I wear Sodalite Feng Shui Bracelet to meetings with my financial advisor. When worn with a mindset toward health, it can assist in healing ailments and promoting longevity.
Placement: bedroom
Best feng shui crystal for Body and health: Red jasper

Although it’s a variety of quartz, Feng Shui crystal jasper has a look all its own. It can be an excellent crystal to wear as a feng shui bracelet because the minerals inside it often create eye-catching designs. It’s associated with relationship development. Red jasper specifically can improve luck.
Placement: bedroom
Best feng shui crystal for Reliving stress: Agate

Feng Shui crystal Agate is an extremely versatile stone in a feng shui bracelet, especially for those with anxious minds. It’s used to reduce the tension in whatever room it’s in. If you find yourself navigating a lot of stressful situations, agate can be an excellent accessory. I wear it to help myself keep a cool head if I know a meeting is likely to get heated.
Red agate can be useful to improve relationship luck, particularly as relationships progress. That’s why I like to wear it on third and fourth dates.
Placement: bedroom
Best feng shui crystal for Creativity: Howlite

If you’re on a journey of self-discovery and personal development, Feng Shui crystal howlite is an excellent feng shui bracelet choice. It’s associated with character building, particularly developing emotional intelligence and self-awareness. Because personal growth is a constant journey, it’s an ideal feng shui bracelet to wear every day, perhaps on a subtle ring.
Placement: office / desk
Best feng shui crystal for Negativity: Hematite

Feng Shui crystal Hematite is said to absorb negative energy and has powerful abilities to smooth over difficult situations. The Hematite Feng Shui Bracelets are also useful for people working on maintaining focus and seeking wisdom. I wear it when I’ve noticed a pattern of negativity in my life, either from myself or others. It’s associated with the element of water.
Placement: bedroom
Best feng shui crystal for Luck and wisdom: Turquoise

With its distinctive color, it’s no surprise feng shui crystal turquoise is associated with the element of water. Just like water, turquoise is associated with balance. It’s an excellent feng shui bracelet to wear during periods where you feel overwhelmed or off-kilter. Traced back to the belief of Indian, the sky blue stone is believed to bring luck and wisdom to the wearer.
Placement: Office/ desk

Blue Turquoise jewelry is favored by cultures around the world and with the unique shade of blue-green color, which gives a tranquil and serene state of mind.
Best feng shui crystal for display: Jade

Associated with the element of earth,feng shui crystal jade is known to enhance personal growth and harmony in group settings, particularly family units. It’s a popular gem to display in the business world. Artisans and jewelry-makers often carve jade into real-world shapes. When they do this, The Jade Feng Shui Bracelets amplify the energy of whatever object it’s shaped like.
Placement: living room
Best feng shui crystal for Relationship: Carnelian

Feng Shui crystal Carnelian is associated with fire, thanks to its vibrant natural color. A Carnelian feng shui bracelet brings confidence built on braveness. It can reflect energy, passion and life. Be careful when shopping for carnelian. It’s a relatively rare feng shui crystal, so be careful when shopping for it. Dyed agate is often sold as a cheaper imitation of carnelian.
In its authentic form, carnelian is used in feng shui to boost luck in wealth or relationships.
Placement: carry around
Best feng shui crystal for Solution: Azurite

Feng Shui crystal Azurite is often used to reduce confusion and tension as it opens the wearer’s mind to new perspectives. It’s an excellent aid to more accurately see the world around you, or to find new approaches to old problems.
Placement: desk / office
I usually wear an Azurite feng shui bracelet when I’m struggling to make the right decision in a hard situation. The deep blue color soothes me whenever I look at it, serving as an effective reminder to stop what I’m doing and consider all my options, not just the ones that seem most obvious to me.
I also like to meditate with azurite near me. On particularly busy days at the office, I make a point to slip into my office and shut the door for a few minutes of peace.
While you certainly can just buy a loose crystal and display it somewhere you see it every day, I prefer to wear my feng shui bracelet. I find they serve as a constant reminder of the mindset or intention I’m aiming for. And, of course, they make a great fashion statement and conversation starter. These are my favorite ways to wear a feng shui bracelet:
A Feng Shui Bracelet is a happy medium between necklaces and rings. They can layer nicely under a long-sleeved shirt or stand out on your wrist if you’re wearing short sleeves. I recommend wearing a beaded bracelet or a wider cuff with a single decorative crystal on it.
Feng Shui bracelets are an excellent way to convey meaning and keep yourself in balance as you go about your day. Choose your feng shui based on your intention and wear it proudly.

You can find a feng shui necklace used as beads or in pendant form. They tend to make a bigger statement, style-wise, than other ways of wearing crystals. Because a necklace is next to your face, people tend to notice them more. Depending on the length, they’re also close to your heart or your throat. I recommend choosing your necklace length according to your intention. Consider what you want the crystal to remind you of.
Rings are generally a subtler way to wear crystals. A delicate ring decorated with small crystals can evoke personal meaning and remind you of your intention throughout your day.
But if you want to make a big statement with your crystal, rings are also a good way to do that. Jewelry on your hands tends to stand out, so you can have a bigger impact with a smaller crystal if you wear it as a ring.