I first started using healing crystals when I realized most of my old college friends had settled down – marriage, kids, a big house, the works – and there I was, still single. It sent me in a bit of a tailspin, feeling like I was being left behind. It was a rough time that plunged me into a long period of soul-searching. And I found a lot of comfort and introspection in crystals. I still do.
They’ve helped me a lot, so now I spread the word about them. In this article we’ll go over the basics of crystal care:
- Why is Cleansing Crystal Important?
- How to Cleanse Crystals?
- What's the Difference Between Cleansing & Charging Crystals?
- How to charge crystals?
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Why is Cleansing Crystals Important?
Before you learn how to cleanse crystals, you have to know that crystals have memory. They absorb the energy around them and react to the people and places that surround them. Over time, that energy builds up. To keep them working for you, cleansing crystals regularly is a must.
Don’t forget to cleanse a new crystal right when you bring it home. You don’t know what energy it may have picked up before it got to you. You want to clear that out and get it ready to absorb the energy you’re giving it.
10 Tips on How to Cleanse Crystals

How to cleanse crystals #1: Sunlight
Sunlight is an excellent way to break in a new crystal after you’ve acquired it. The sun gives off yang energy, while crystals hold yin energy from the earth. Just pop them on a sunny windowsill for a few minutes. If you have crystals that are vulnerable to discoloration from the sun (like rose quartz, amethyst, or amber), you can still use this method. Just put them out for an hour at dawn instead of into a beam of direct sunlight, that would be enough for cleansing crystals.
Suitable for:
All stones (Use this method at dawn for rose quartz, amethyst and amber)
Approximate Time:
10 to 30 minutes; 1 hour at dawn for stones vulnerable to sunlight

How to cleanse crystals #2: Moonlight
Our second tips on cleansing crystal is moonlight. Moonlight is generally regarded as a gentler, more delicate version of sunlight cleansing. It also doesn’t run the risk of discoloring any of your stones, which is why I like it. If you’re into tracking the phases of the moon, moonlight cleansing is especially effective during a full moon. This can increase the stone’s vibrations as well.
Suitable for:
All stones
Approximate Time:
10 to 12 hours

Discover Gold Lapis Lazuli Bracelet
Lapis lazuli crystal is one of the most powerful healing crystal. The bracelet will help you harness all of your energy and to use it to do extraordinary things stress-free and peacefully, everything while looking your best bold self.

How to cleanse crystals #3: Sea Salt
Salt has long been used in rituals all around the world and in a variety of belief systems to absorb unwanted energy and to protect against threats. To use this cleansing crystals technique, soak your crystals in a water bath with a pinch of sea salt. If you can get your hands on seawater for this, even better. Rinse your crystals off in the morning to clear away any salty residue.
Suitable for:
Hard stones, such as quartz and amethyst
Don’t use this for:
Stones which contains metal and porous stones, such as lapis lazuli, hematite, pyrite, opal, and selenite
Approximate Time:
8 to 48 hours

How to cleanse crystals #4: Crystals
Cleansing crystals with crystals is also a great method. Some crystals don’t hold onto energy the same way others do, so you can actually use them to cleanse your other crystals. Put stones like quartz, amethyst, or carnelian into a container with your other crystals for 24 hours and voila, you’re done.
Suitable for:
All stones
Approximate Time:
24 hours

How to cleanse crystals #5: Smoke
Whenever I smoke-cleanse my condo, I extend the same courtesy to my crystals. Cleansing crystal with smoke clears away disparate vibrations and brings back the crystal’s natural energies. All you have to do is create a tuft of smoke with your herb bundle, then hold your crystal in the smoke for 30 seconds.
Suitable for:
All stones
Approximate Time:
30 seconds
How to cleanse crystals #6: Water
Water works by neutralizing the negative energy the crystal is holding onto. As the water flows over the crystal and down the drain, it takes the negative energy with it back to the earth. To do this cleansing crystal method, rinse your crystals directly in rainwater for 4-5 minutes. You can also rinse your crystals in the sink for about 10 minutes.
Remember that water can erode delicate crystals. Only use it for hard stones, never for brittle, crumbly, or sedimentary crystals.
Suitable for:
Hard stones, such as quartz and amethyst
Don’t use this for:
Brittle and crumbly stones, such as brazilianite, celestine, pyrite, rose quartz
Approximate Time:
30 seconds

How to cleanse crystals #7: Brown Rice
If your crystal’s been subjected to a lot of negativity lately and you want to clean that away but are nervous about releasing the energy into your home or taking it on yourself, brown rice is an excellent method for cleansing crystals. Fill a bowl with dry brown rice and bury the crystal in it. Leave it there for. A full 24 hours. When you’re done, throw out the rice. It will have taken on the energy you’re trying to get rid of.
Suitable for:
All stones
Approximate Time:
24 hours

Azuro White Jade Bracelet
White jade crystal bracelet is considered to be an of luck, whether it came to health, love, or business. Have it all, while looking elegant and classy. Make sure you have a nice crystal before cleansing it.

How to cleanse crystals #8: Sound
Cleansing crystals with sound is one of the most popular way. Pull out any singing bowls, bells, or even your favorite chant. Emit the sound loudly enough for the vibration to fully envelop the crystal. Continue for 5-10 minutes. This is an especially effective method if you’re cleansing a lot of stones.
Suitable for:
All stones
Approximate Time:
5 to 10 minutes
How to cleanse crystals #9: Breath
Meditators love this one. State an intention, then sit with your stone for a few minutes. Breathe slowly and deeply, letting each exhale wash over the stone. This balances your own energy (since it’s technically a meditation and breathing exercise) while cleaning away the energy your crystal is holding onto. Be sure to state an intention before you start.
Suitable for:
Smaller stones
Approximate Time:
30 seconds per stone

How to cleanse crystals #10: Visualization
Only try this if you’re feeling at peace and connected with your higher self. Center your energy, hold your stone in your hands, and visualize your hands filling with radiant white light. Do this for about a minute per stone.
Suitable for:
All stones
Approximate Time:
1 minutes per stone

How to cleanse crystals #11: Soil
All crystals came from the Earth. Burying crystals under soil enables the Earth to boost its energy directly, making this the most efficient method to cleanse your crystals. This method requires a direct connection with the Earth, do not bury your crystals under soil from your pots, but bury them in your garden or a park.
Suitable for:
All stones
Approximate Time:
1 to 7 days
What's the Difference Between Cleansing & Charging Crystals?
Before receiving a crystal accessory you bought, the crystal might be contaminated by negative energy during the process of producing, packaging, or even delivering. Even after eliminating the negative energy with crystal cleansing, your crystal would still accumulate energy from things they are exposed to. To remove it, you’ll have to recharge your crystals once in a while.
To conclude, cleansing crystal is the one-time step you do once you receive a crystal, and charging crystal should be done in a regular basis to keep your crystal clear and effective.
Tips for Charging Crystals
Crystals can lose their charge over time; their power isn’t constant. The entire point of owning crystals is for their energy benefits, and all energy can be depleted over time. Eventually, by nature of their very purpose, they’ll need to be recharged, just like a battery.
Make sure you always cleanse your crystals before you charge them. This wipes away all the energy buildup over time. Otherwise, when you try to charge your crystal, it’ll already be full of the energy you’ve already put into it.
Luckily, there’s an easy way on how to charge your crystal while cleansing crystals at the same time: sunlight. This is my favorite way to renew my crystals’ energy. Find a sunny windowsill, lay out your crystals in a sunbeam, and leave them there for 30 minutes. When you come back, they’ll be all cleansed, charged, and ready to go.
Before you do this, check to make sure your crystal won’t be damaged by sunlight. Some crystals with a high shine can be dulled by the sun. But if not, this is an easy way to take care of your crystals without a long process.
Getting the most out of your crystals can seem like a lot of work at first. But my crystals bring me a lot of comfort and benefits, so it makes sense that I’d need to spend some time paying back that energy and care. When you find a charging and cleansing crystals ritual that works for you and feels right, you might even find you enjoy it. It’s a comforting pattern and can be a nice way to signal the beginning of a new week or month.