"Elegance is an attitude, it is not tied to a piece of clothing! You can learn to dress well, but you do not necessarily learn how to be elegant.”
What is style? For me, it is an intangible concept that is hard to define. If you are struggling with same question, today, you might just find an answer. Franco has the ability to fuse fashion with class, and connect styling with being a gentleman. It runs in Franco’s blood. Shall we, now, take a ride with Franco Mazzetti of his inspirtional life.

Who Is Franco Mazzetti
Franco Mazzetti is a Florence man only living with his own style.
Born in 1955, Franco always have passion on men’s fashion and styling. Now, as a professional ‘’Menswear Consultant’’, he devoted himself to image consultancy.
He also cooperates with many independent fashion brands, tailor shops, etc., and presents his own wear to the audience through Instagram (@franz_1955). He believes that wearing is not just wearing a very well-known brand on. The thing is, the clothes or accessories should match your personality and make you a unique self-style.
As A Menswear Consultant
Styling and fashion are natural and essential in Franco’s life. As more and more people consulted him how to wear, he started to turn this "attitude" of styling into a vocation.
- How does image consultancy work?
Stage 1.
The first thing to do is an interview with the client. During the process, you know more about his client, including the lifestyle, the personality, the aspirations and the willingness to change.
Stage 2.
The consultant should never impose his own style, but rather, he will find out the appropriate and customized solutions to his clients with his good taste and knowledge.
Stage 3.
Once the course is completed, the client will be able to identify his own style and select the most stylish wearing for various occasions appropriately.
‘’Styling is finding the ‘harmony’ of each yourself, not following the fashion,’’ Franco said. He wants to convey not only the style of gentlemen but also the sense of finding own style.
''Fashion faded, style is eternal.'' Franco lives this way to reach his ‘’sprezzatura’’.

His Style and His ''Sprezzatura’’
What is style?
People think that he wears so good because he wears high-end or designer clothes, but he thinks that ‘’style’’ can't be bought but is created from people’s personality. Such as good manners, respect, and attitude of being a gentleman...borrowing the words of Henry Ward Beecher: "Clothes and manners do not make the man; but, when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance ".
‘’I have always watched with great attention and curiosity to persons like Gianni Agnelli, Michael of Kent, the actor Charles Dance, trying not only to perceive their way of dressing but above all to study and their attitudes and their behavior.’’ said Franco.
Style, if you have the passion to do it, can be exercised and improved.For sure it’s not enough to spend money on designer clothes just thinking that you have reached your own style. There's a lot more to do with mental attitude.
Style, Simplicity, and comfort
Style, Simplicity, and comfort are three words that represent his style. Apart from style, the focus of simplicity is to find your own harmony. Everyone has different styles. Besides satisfying oneself, to make sure your style is elegant, comfortable and harmonious is crucial.
As far as comfort, many people think that it should be very uncomfortable to wear a suit, coat ,and some accessories, but they didn’t get it. He has always been like this. Styling is part of his daily routine, even stands as a must-do ritual.
Sprezzatura is an Italian word originating from Baldassare Castiglione's The Book of the Courtier,as a term defined in the Renaissance, it means doing something extremely well without showing effort.
Sometimes, it is the attitude of complete ease, of natural spontaneity, aimed at flaunting an absolute skill, which does not require any effort. However, Franco’s sprezzatura is all about harmony and elegance. No peacocking and over-flaunting, only a natural and quality lifestyle.

Inspiration and Dream
Participating Pitti Uomo for 27 years, he saw many people were peacocking and didn't like it. He thought that men shouldn't wear like a gentlemen for handsome or photographed, but to show the spirit of gentleman.
His dream is ——
to convey his concepts through the brand and various gentlemen's accessories, such as sunglasses, gloves, pocket squares, bracelet, etc. He hopes to share his 30-year experiences in the men’s fashion industry and leads others to find their own styles through his visions.
‘’In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.’’
Franco definitely shows what a gentleman is meant to be like.