Crystals For Men: The best crystals for masculine energy, leadership, and career

It is nine o clock on the dot, and the weather outside is a bone freezing 2 degrees, but inside my penthouse apartment, the party is just getting started. It's Friday night, and some of my closest friends are in attendance. The mood is relaxed with soft music, drinks, and good food. My friend, Matt, spots my collection of crystals and remarks, "Aren't crystals for men too feminine?" giving way to a conversation on crystals for men and my fascination with them for years. 

While the majority disagrees, some view crystals as too feminine and not working; this is when I start to became a firm believer in the power of crystals and how different types of crystals have won me success in different areas of life, from my career to my relationships and even my mental and physical well-being. All of my friends can only listen in awe as I explain how owning a simple bracelet transformed my life and enabled me to become the man I am today.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

Why Should Men Start Using Crystals?

Hello, I am Christopher Harris, a successful banker, and crystal enthusiast. You may consider me an outlier, "a man being into crystals?". But you, my friend, are seriously mistaken. Thousands of men use crystals to guide and assist them through life. It is not a secret, and you do not need to join a special cult or institution to harness your life through the power of crystals.

The use of crystals goes back millennia as these stones hold energies that harmonize and interact with other forces of nature. Crystals for men, in particular, are used for furthering careers; I am speaking from personal experience here as it works. They are also used for increasing physical and mental prowess to excel in life. Crystals are also said to positively impact relationships by balancing energies that are at odds.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

Are Crystals For Men Too Feminine?

As some of my friends, you may also think that collecting and using crystals is very feminine. This is far from the truth. Any individual can benefit from using crystals. In ancient times wearing jewelry was not monopolized by women, and many times, the jewelry is worn had crystals. Warriors, religious priests, and even rulers wore amulets containing crystals to protect themselves and succeed in life.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

The idea that something is feminine or masculine is a social construct. Our culture is steeped in toxic masculinity, and men are shamed for expressing themselves. Anything attributed to women is regarded as abhorrent for men. Times are changing, and attitudes are shifting, so people realize that crystals for men are not feminine.

Many leading celebrities, like Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, openly flaunt their crystal bracelets. The trend is changing as well-known men in every sphere of life, be it sports or politics, become more comfortable showing their belief in crystals.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men, Custom Bracelet

Custom Your Luxury Gemstone Bracelet

Finding the right crystals can be a hustle. At Azuro Republic, we make it easy. Over 25 crystals are available now for your custom bracelets.

Crystals for Men: Crystal for Masculine Energy

One of the main reasons why many men like me use crystals in the first place is to increase their masculine energy. Each of us has masculine and feminine energies, regardless of our gender. Many crystals enhance those attributes that are most commonly associated with masculine energy. These include; dominance, strength, ambition, and focus. If you too wish to increase your masculine energy, here are some great crystals you can benefit from

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men


Malachite is a bright green crystal that is opaque and has swirly patterns of varying tones that give it a unique look. Chances that you have seen this beautiful crystal are quite high as it is a very popular stone with multiple uses. One key property of this crystal is that it gives the wearer strength to deal with change. It boosts confidence and enables the user to take on any challenge head-on. I always wear my malachite ring to work as it truly gives me a boost in confidence.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men


This beautiful, fiery yellow stone is a favorite among men. This is because the Tiger-eye represents strength, willpower, and prosperity. Much like the fearless tiger, the crystal makes the wearer more confident and courageous to handle any situation that life may throw at them. I have a bracelet with different colored tiger-eye stones to bring prosperity and strength.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men


Hematite comes in several color variations, ranging from black, red, brown, and gray. The gem is linked to the root chakra and helps to keep you grounded. Remaining humble and not letting overconfidence ruin your success can be tricky, and hematite is known to reign in that ego. Wearing hematite keeps me from getting too cocky, so that I would recommend it to anyone.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men


Bright red in appearance, garnet is associated with power and passion. Many men wish to get that extra push from within to realize their goals, and the garnet crystal is perfect for enhancing inner strength. Before getting into crystals, I often second guess and doubt myself; having garnet near me has brought about a positive change in that attitude.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men


Another fiery stone is pyrite. The crystal is used for increasing zeal and vigor mush like a brightly burning flame. It has a strong constitution that helps sot enhance masculine energy.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men


Wondering what that shiny black gem is in my ring? It is obsidian. Obsidian is an ingenious rock, which is black and bold. Also known as volcanic glass, obsidian is most associated with mystery. The rich black color of the stone is known to absorb mental smog and bring clarity. It improves the wearer's ability to see things more objectively.

Crystals for Men: Crystals for Career

  • Tiger Eye ‧ Obsidian ‧ Lapis Lazuli

You must be wondering how I became so successful at my job? The secret to my success is simple; hard work with a dash of crystals. Here are the top three crystals I have always worn to work; tiger-eye, obsidian, and lapis lazuli.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

Tiger-eye is associated with prosperity and wealth. This amazing gemstone has the power to bring abundance. I would not be caught dead without my tiger-eye bracelet whenever I meet an important client. The energy from the crystals always works in favor.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

Obsidian Evil Eye Bracelet

With wearing The Evil Eye bracelet, you can feel the energy within it. The Evil Eye Obsidian bracelet protects you against negativity

Sometimes giving your best isn't enough, and the evil eye can be truly destructive. It should not surprise me that I have to deal with my fair share of jealous co-workers. I always wear my obsidian bracelet for protection to get rid of this negative energy. No one should put a damper on your success after all.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

Communication is integral to excelling in any job, specifically if it has to do with sales. Lapus lazuli is the crystal that enables effective communication, according to research. You can even combine lapis lazuli with tiger-eye for a winning combination.

Crystals for Men: Crystals for Leadership

  • Malachite ‧ Tiger Eye ‧ Ruby Zoisite

Most men like to feel in charge. In a professional environment, in particular, being a leader, regardless of your designation, is the key to success as those who strive for others' respect are promoted. Malachite, tiger-eye, and ruby zoisite are some great crystals for improving your leadership skills.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

As mentioned already, malachite gives you strength and confidence. A leader is known for making difficult decisions and working under pressure, which requires strength. Wear your malachite for a boost of confidence.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

It is impossible to ignore the tiger-eye when talking about strength. The crystal enhances willpower. Do you think I always had my confidence and charisma? The answer is no; I used to be pretty shy and uncertain about everything. My confidence was acquired through sheer willpower that wearing tiger-eye helped with.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

In my opinion, a leader must also be someone willing to work on their flaws and work on them to become better. Ruby zoisite is a crystal that helps mitigate negativity, which can help overcome your flaws.

Crystals for Men: Crystals for Relationships

  • Rose Quartz Red Jasper White Jade Garnet

Relationships can be hard to maintain, especially when combined with a demanding career. You should have no qualms in using a crystal for men specifically to help your love life. I have used them for years and have experienced healthy relationships through and through

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men, Crystals for relationship, crystals for couple

Be Her Man

Check out the relationship crystals bracelets for you and your love one.

Crystals can help balance out energies and auras and improve compatibility between individuals. Rose quartz, red jasper, white jade, and garnet are great crystals you and your partner can wear for a harmonious relationship. All these crystals are known to increase passion and intensify attraction.

Crystals for Men: Crystals for Courage

  • Tiger Eye ‧ Hematite ‧ Brown Agate Bronzite

Courage is a key attribute, one that is necessary for every field of life, be it work or relationships. Having the courage to deal with things around you makes you a strong person mentally and helps mitigate stress and anxiety that are all too common nowadays.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

Brown Agate Dragorse Bracelet

The Warrior's bracelet. The Dragorse engraving symbolizes strength and carries courage for finding the true self.

You must show courage and appear confident to excel in life as a man. Men who provide courage and strength crystals include tiger-eye, hematite, brown agate, and bronzite. Each of these crystals has its special properties, all related to strength; bronzite, for example, is linked to the root, provides assertive properties, and helps the wearer to stand up for themselves.

Crystals for Men: Crystals for Health & Body

  • Garnet ‧ Hematite ‧ Red Tiger Eye ‧ Lapis Lazuli ‧ Black Rutilated Quartz ‧ Red Jasper

When talking about improving your well-being with crystals, how can you forget your physical form? You may be in pursuit of a desirable body, and workout can only do so much, or you wish to counter the effects of a debilitating health condition; whatever the case, maybe there is a crystal for anyone. Garnet, hematite, red tiger-eye, lapis lazuli, black rutilated quartz, and red jasper are all great crystals for the body. Each one of these crystals impacts a different part of the body.

Crystals For Men, crystals for men, crystals for masculine energy masculine gemstones, Crystal for leadership, Crystal for Career, Bracelet for men

Ultimate Health Stacking Bracelet

Explore our stacking bracelet collection with hundreds of crystals combination. The Turkey bracelet is combined with Red Tiger Eye, Red Agate, Emperor stone,and Obsidian


Hematite works well at reducing stress, while garnet enables you to achieve an overall reset. Have trouble sleeping? Try lapis lazuli for a calm and healing sleep. I have a huge lapis lazuli crystal by my bedside, and I have never slept better in my life.                 

Summing It All Up

Crystals are not just for men or women; they can be used by anyone who wishes to improve their life through their power. You can select the crystal whose properties you are attracted to. As a user of crystals myself, I can vouch for tier effectiveness and power. Even if you are a skeptic, give it a go; after all, the worst thing that can happen is that you end up owning a beautiful piece of jewelry, so go on give it a shot. 


by Azuro Republic